Three industry powerhouses form a partnership in education and training
It’s the company you keep. It’s true; look around you. Since we were kids on the playground, our choices for friends have reflected heavily on us. And now, in the corporate world, our associates play a huge role in our ability to achieve our goals. When three leaders in their respective fields saw an opportunity to partner together, they knew it would be a benefit to them as individuals and as a collective.
This year, the three companies — the ALL Family of Companies, Industrial Training International (ITI), and theMazzella Companies (Mazzella) — partnered to create a permanent ITI training center at Mazzella’s Cleveland headquarters near Cleveland Hopkins Airport. This is ITI’s fifth training center in North America.
ITI, an experienced provider of training and technical services for companies who use cranes, rigging and load handling equipment, had been considering a permanent home in Northeast Ohio. Once they spoke with Cleveland-based overhead lifting and rigging leader Mazzella, they knew a partnership would make perfect sense. Sharing geography was a consideration, as was having the correct equipment on site for both groups to conduct business. For example, for some of the training, mobile cranes would be required. That’s where the ALL Family of Companies could help.
A longtime customer and collaborator with Mazzella, ALL has sent employees to ITI’s training classes for years. A training site closer to ALL’s flagship yard in Cleveland was appealing, so to ensure it would happen, ALL agreed to provide the mobile cranes needed for the courses. Mazzella would provide the rigging support and physical facility. At the Cleveland-based training center, employees receive the complex continued training and education they need to stay at the top of their game. Forming this partnership strengthened all three entities.
The training center, located at 21000 Aerospace Parkway in Cleveland, officially opened in April 2016 and includes a full-size classroom as well as indoor and outdoor training spaces. Courses thus far have included basic and intermediate rigging and inspection, mobile crane operator certification, certified rigging gear inspector training, critical lift planning, and other related tests and exams.
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This article originally appeared in ALL's Lift Line magazine, Fall 2016.